Imagine if every believer in your church was passionately in love with Jesus, sharing the gospel with everyone they meet. Churches around the world study all kinds of church growth strategies when the strategy is simple. Equip the believers and watch Christ build his church through them. This has been the strategy for church growth since the first century of believers. And, it can be the story of your church too! Image your church constantly growing as a result of the Holy Spirit working through the lives of believers who are equipped and confidently sharing Jesus.

That’s where GO&TELL Conferences come in!

We travel the world hosting GO&TELL Conferences with the specific purpose of equipping the average believer in your church and city to be fully prepared to share Jesus. Our team of evangelists are not just talkers but individuals who have been in full-time evangelistic ministry for decades with a clear gift of evangelism. When the conference is over, we are confident that your church will be passionate in sharing the gospel. And, as a result, the church will grow and new converts will be ready for discipleship.






Every follower of Jesus should be sharing the good news of Him to every individual in all spheres of influence they are part of—their jobs, families, neighborhoods, etc. Not only did Jesus command all believers in Mark 16:15 to GO&TELL everyone, but it should be our desire to share about the one we love and who gives us eternal life. Unfortunately, many believers around the world are silent when it comes to sharing their faith. After years of traveling the world and listening to countless believers, we discovered a few common reasons why many they stay silent. Do you recognize these for you or those in your church?


  1. Many believers feel that evangelism is a gift given to a select people in the church. And, because their gift isn’t evangelism, they leave that to the one who has a gift of evangelism. Often times, those without the “gift” stand behind that individual who does have the “gift” of evangelism by sending that evangelist money to help them faithfully fulfill their calling.
  2. Most believers equate evangelism as a large stadium event, going on a street corner or having a tv show on a religious station. Since they don’t have the funds or desire to rent a stadium, talk to a random person on the street, or want to go on television then it is a clear sign that this isn’t for them.
  3. They love Jesus with all their heart and want to share the gospel. However, they are not confident in sharing because they don’t fully know how to communicate the gospel. It is a bit confusing. And, as a result, they stay silent due to lack of confidence.
  4. They allow excuses to hold them back from sharing—what if I don’t know what to say? What if I make a fool of myself? What if I come across as a crazy person? What if…what if…what if… These excuses hold them back from telling others about Jesus.


These excuse are all too common in the Church around the world. But, there’s a solution! Check it out! The bible says in Ephesians 4:11-13 that God has put in the church “evangelists”, not just to share the gospel, but to “equip the saints for the work of ministry”.  The evangelists goal is to equip every believer to be fruitful in effectively communicating the Good News of Jesus Christ to everyone around them.

Now is the time to equip your city with 

Consider how precious a soul must be, when both God and the Devil are after it.


When you invite GO&TELL to your city or church, our goal is to empower and equip your community for effective evangelism. Here’s how we collaborate:

For Churches:

     – We partner with your church to create a strategic plan, maximizing attendance and impact.
     – Our focus is to engage your congregation in evangelism, building momentum through promotional activities weeks before the conference.

For Cities:
     – In city-wide events, we assist in forming a planning committee, bringing together multiple churches for a united effort.
     – We aim to involve city pastors, fostering their passion for equipping believers in evangelism.

What We Provide:
     – Experienced speakers renowned for their evangelistic skills, evident through years of impactful ministry, positive reputation, and strong character.

Conference Outline (Customizable to Fit Your Church or City):

     Session 1: Opening Challenge – Understanding Evangelism and the Gospel.
     Session 2: Effective Communication of the Gospel.
     Sessions 3 & 4: Diverse Evangelism Approaches – Creativity, Cultural Solutions, Practical Training, and More.
     Breakout Sessions: Local evangelists share their expertise in areas like marketplace evangelism, student outreach, family ministry, media engagement, etc.
     Session 5: The Role of the Holy Spirit in Evangelism.
     Commissioning: Prayer and a Call to Action for Your City.

**Post-Conference Evangelistic Event:**
We strive to organize a large-scale evangelism event in your community the day or week following the conference, aiming to reach thousands with the gospel message.

Would you like to bring an Go & Tell Conference to your church or town? 

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